TL;DR : We worked for a year on a Javascript intensive project (StimulusJS) allowing anyone to prepare his/her carbon footprint in advance, with respect to a defined target.

🧩 The initial problem

Personal Carbon Footprint Calculators are quite common nowadays, work well, and are usually rather advanced in terms of computations. The goal with Carbon Target was not to provide just another calculator but offer a supplement with a different approach to the same topic.

Carbon Target should provide an answer to the question : what would MY life be like, in a world where we all live under X tons of yearly carbon emission ? (where often X = 2)

✅ The solution

We built a simple looking single-page web application (the product is still at its MVP, - Minimum Viable Product -, stage) to try to answer this existential question in 2 steps :

  1. The user can set a “carbon target” in the form of a number of tons of yearly carbon emission X

    Nanotrust Case Study 2

  2. There are sliders corresponding to the main sources of carbon emissions a person can leverage in his/her everyday life. These sliders are all dynamically linked, which means that Carbon Target will never allow to exceed the initial value of X. This lets the user understand that should he/she want to consume more of something, a reduction needs to be done on another criteria.

    Nanotrust Case Study 3

💻 The stack

  • App: Gulp
  • CSS: SASS, Bulma
  • Javascript: Stimulus
  • Hosting: Personal Server
  • CI/CD & Project Management: GitHub

🚀 The results

The site was officially launched in December of 2022. You can try it out and see what your life would be at 2 tons of annual carbon emissions :