TL;DR : We’ve been working with Chalandiz since we started Forever Bije in 2019. We take part in the 2 stages of the Chalandiz service : provide responsive websites to clients quicker (using a template we coded) and maintain the platform allowing clients to fully administrate it (Categories, Shops, News, Job Offers, Images etc. )

🧩 The initial problem

Chalandiz is a company whose mission is to help Retail and Real Estate actors to successfully manage their digital transformation. Their clients are mainly shopping centers to whom they can provide a dynamic and content-editable websites, social media management, or in-store digital experiences.

We’ve been working with Chalandiz since the beginning of their existence in 2012. We effectively built the first version of the website generator & content management platform called Mallz.

When we started working under our Forever Bije brand, the Chalandiz platform was in its 4th version. Our mission was to upgrade it to its 5th and current form, deliver new websites to their client, and maintain the platform.

Chalandiz Splash Screen

✅ The solution

The multi-tenant web platform Mallz was already here, and encapsulated everything we needed to address Chalandiz needs.

  1. We’ve integrated a new customizable template to help the team deliver modern-looking & responsive websites to their clients quicker

    Chalandiz Case Study 2

  2. We’re maintaining & upgrading the content-management platform to be able to edit more content on the websites, and improve the ease-of-use of the Mallz platform

    Chalandiz Case Study 3

    Chalandiz Case Study 4

  3. We’ve also handled the recruitment process for a long-term internship candidate, which was pivotal for the v5 update of Mallz. We then mentored and managed him for the whole duration of the internship.

💻 The stack

  • App: Ruby on Rails
  • Database: PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Testing: Rspec, FactoryBot
  • Background Tasks: ActiveJob, Sidekiq
  • Javascript: jQuery
  • Hosting: Heroku
  • CI/CD & Project Management: Gitlab

🚀 The results

With a relatively “old” platform (2012), one of the mission’s challenges was to update the code base and make sure the technology was up to industry standards, for security and maintainability purposes. It is now the case.

We’ve successfully transitioned to the 5th version of the Mallz template integration and have 3 clients running in production under that version.

After 4 years of working with Chalandiz, we’ve built a strong relationship based on trust and efficiency (and a good amount of laughs, too).