TL;DR : We worked with Madeinvote for 1,5 years on a complex project leading to the development of a API-intensive Back-Office like web platform. The platform’s goal is to optimize workflow & help their team do on Madein360 the tasks they had to use 3 different services to complete.

🧩 The initial problem

Madeinvote is a company specialized in conducting surveys and marketing studies for their clients, mostly in the Retail and Real Estate verticals. They build surveys, make sure they are properly taken buy end-customers, and gather insights/results which they then provide to their clients.

When Madeinvote got into contact with us, their main problem was using too many external services for a single project/client. Switching between services meant friction, time unefficiently used and thus revenue losses.

Madeinvote Splash Screen

âś… The solution

We developed a web platform called Madein360 which addressed this issue by allowing the Madeinvote team to conduct the entirety of a project on a single platform, using the external services’ APIs under the hood:

  1. build & manage complex surveys (Voxco API)

    Voxco is a service allowing clients to create complex surveys with 20+ question types, logic between question to allow for different user experiences for a given survey, host surveys, etc. We created a DSL allowing Madeinvote to create surveys entirely through a text editor on Madein360, and connected it to the Voxco API.

    Madeinvote Case Study 2

  2. promote the created surveys with social ads (Meta Business API)

    Once a survey is created, it needs to be pushed to the relevant audience. Meta Business allows to do just that with the use of Facebook & Instagram ads, and provides various stats (reach, engagement, money spent, etc). We have coded a complete interface allowing to create the relevant resources (Campaigns, Adsets, Ads, Audiences) through the Meta Business API directly from the Madein360 platform, and get ads statistics in our in-house dashboard.

    Madeinvote Case Study 3

  3. fetch & display survey analytics (DATAVIV’ API)

    DATAVIV’ is a data visualization service. Madeinvote used it by feeding it Voxco and Meta Business stats, and outputting pretty slides. We coded a connector doing that automatically, by formatting the data and sending it to DATAVIV’ through their API.

Because those 3 APIs are deeply linked with Madein360, concurrency, load management, synchronization & performance were at the core of this challenging project.

The platform was designed & integrated according to the visual identity of Madeinvote’s main front-facing website. To prepare this, Forever Bije produced a UI toolkit and designs of the pages.

đź’» The stack

  • App: Ruby on Rails
  • Database: PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Testing: Rspec, FactoryBot
  • Background Tasks: ActiveJob, Sidekiq
  • CSS: SASS, Bulma
  • Javascript: Stimulus, ActionCable
  • Hosting: Scalingo
  • CI/CD & Project Management: Gitlab

🚀 The results

After a year and a half of close collaboration, we successfully delivered a version of the platform in accordance with the initial specifications paper at the end of 2022.

The platform is still running in production and development is being carried on by 2 in-house Madeinvote developers which we helped recruit & train.